Belles-lettres no.4

The ways you viewed the world

Bodies, bad jokes, and a cement wall–        That was your frame of mind                        I sat there calm, but trembling from head to foot, what was beyond the wall of your words that penetrated my self composure?

Was it your insensitivity disguised as comedy? Or was it your immovability, your inability to hear anyone but yourself as you stated “I’m liberated and everyone else is insecure”?

No one prepared me for this.

Snowflakes stamped beneath muddy feet, eyes that misconstrue boundaries, and flowers that you call animal, when really, they’re spiritual.

Why didn’t you tell me that you viewed the world this way?

O. Montora

Photo courtesy: The Art Institute of Chicago, Artist: Katsukawa Shunsho, Spring Flowers: Violets and Dandelions

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